One more time…
Let’s tie it all together now, ok?
On one end of the chain is a web page in a bog-standard apache, and on the other end is TK4 running in a container.
To describe how I built this I’ll have to start on the TK4 side of things. We want to do the deployment of TK4 with an ansible playbook now, so we take all the different pieces of our deployment yaml file, and wrap them into ansible tasks for the k8s module. The only iffy part is to get the indentation right…
Hello, COBOL, my old friend…
I’ve come to talk with you again…
Because a vision softly creeping…
Left its seeds while I was sleeping…
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sounds
Anyway, here’s the playbook:
--- - name: deploy turnkey4 in a kubernetes container hosts: all become: false tasks: - name: create a namespace k8s: api_key: '{{ eregion_home_k8s_token }}' host: '{{ eregion_home_k8s_host }}' verify_ssl: false state: present definition: apiVersion: v1 kind: Namespace metadata: name: tk4 - name: create a deployment k8s: api_key: '{{ eregion_home_k8s_token }}' host: '{{ eregion_home_k8s_host }}' verify_ssl: false state: present definition: apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: tk4-app namespace: tk4 spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: tk4-app template: metadata: labels: app: tk4-app spec: containers: - name: tk4-app image: rattydave/docker-ubuntu-hercules-mvs:latest resources: limits: cpu: "0.25" memory: "256Mi" env: - name: NUMCPU value: "1" - name: MAXCPU value: "1" ports: - containerPort: 3270 - containerPort: 8038 - name: create a service k8s: api_key: '{{ eregion_home_k8s_token }}' host: '{{ eregion_home_k8s_host }}' verify_ssl: false state: present definition: apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: tk4-svc namespace: tk4 labels: app: tk4-app spec: ports: - port: 8038 targetport: 8038 name: tk4-web protocol: TCP - port: 3270 targetport: 3270 name: tk4-telnet protocol: TCP selector: app: tk4-app - name: create a traefik ingress route for port 8038 k8s: api_key: '{{ eregion_home_k8s_token }}' host: '{{ eregion_home_k8s_host }}' verify_ssl: false state: present definition: apiVersion: kind: IngressRoute metadata: name: ingressroutetls namespace: tk4 spec: entryPoints: - websecure routes: - match: Host(`tk4.apps.eregion.home`) kind: Rule services: - name: tk4-svc port: 8038 tls: {} - name: create a traefik ingress route for TCP port 3270 k8s: api_key: '{{ eregion_home_k8s_token }}' host: '{{ eregion_home_k8s_host }}' verify_ssl: false state: present definition: apiVersion: kind: IngressRouteTCP metadata: name: ingressroutetcp3270 namespace: tk4 spec: entryPoints: - x3270 routes: - match: HostSNI(`*`) services: - name: tk4-svc port: 3270
Once this works I create a job template with it on my AWX, together with a user account which can’t do anything other than run jobs. Obviously that job needs to target a host that has the python3-openshift module with all dependencies installed, and the host you use for it needs to have the ansible variables for api_key and host set as host vars in AWX.
Then, a php script that launches that job through the REST api of awx (Don’t forget the PHP tags at the start and end of this file – I had to strip them out so wordpress wouldn’t choke on them):
if ($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]!="") { return null; } //url $url = ''; //Credentials $client_id = "***"; $client_pass= "***"; //HTTP options $opts = array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'header' => array ('Content-type: application/json', 'Authorization: Basic '.base64_encode("$client_id:$client_pass")), ), 'ssl' => array( 'verify_peer' => false ) ); //Do request $context = stream_context_create($opts); $json = file_get_contents($url, false, $context); $result = json_decode($json, true); if(json_last_error() != JSON_ERROR_NONE){ return null; } Header('Location: '.$_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]);
To find the launch url for any given job template you browse to /api/v2/ on your awx, and look for it – or you can grab the job ID by using your AWX “the normal way” and look at the links in the UI.
To scale down my TK4 when I’m not using it I use a version of the same playbook that sets the number of desired replicas to 0, together with a version of my php script that calls that job instead.
Now all I need to find is a web-based 3270 terminal.
On a not completely unrelated note, the start page of my internal web server here looks like this:
Yep, I don’t have anything better to do.
I think one long term project is going to be something about game servers in containers – counterstrike, etc etc – and then plug them into that startpage via AWX in just the same way as my “mainframe on demand”.
I guess it sort of ends here.
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