Lately I’ve noticed a trend in mobile apps that started on iOS, and even is understandable there due to the sandbox nature of that os.
“Every mobile app will continue to evolve until it contains a web browser, antivirus, and anti theft features, no matter what is initial purpose was.”
In German we call that “eierlegende Wollmilchsau“.
An animal that produces wool, milk, eggs, and meat.
Sure would be nice to have for a farmer, but can’t be done.
So what is the connection to mobiles?
Well, look at this: right now I have on my tablet the different apps that can provide me with anti theft services, but only one of them had that when I installed it.
Same goes for anti virus, two of those, only one had such a feature when I choose to install it.
Or how about memory and storage cleaning… two again, one when I started with them.
Like I said, on iOS this can be understood, since the sand box nature of ios separates apps from each other to a much higher degree than on android…
But android should be different, its Unix after all, where the long standing tradition is to have small tools that do one job really well, and let them talk to each other.