Upgrading to 11.4, an even riskier way.

Here’s a little followup to my previous post about how to upgrade to 11.4.

This one describes how to make the whole process even more risky. You have been warned.
It’s even possible to do this remotely through a ssh session. If you attempt to do that, do it from inside a screen session!

Actually, this first bit makes it a bit easier:



mkdir -p ${newrepodir}

cd ${repodir}

for repofile in *repo; do
 echo -n converting ${repofile} to ${newrepodir}/$(echo ${repofile}|sed -e 's/11.3/11.4/g') ... ;
 cat "${repofile}" | sed -e 's/11.3/11.4/g' > "${newrepodir}/$(echo ${repofile}|sed -e 's/11.3/11.4/g')" ;
 echo done.


This script creates a directory /etc/zypp/repos.d_11.4 with all your configured repos switched to their 11.4 counterparts.

After you run this script, all you have to do is move the old /etc/zypp/repos.d out of the way, rename the new one to /etc/zypp/repos.d and make sure that all the paths in the repo files exist. If they don’t, “zypp ref” is going to complain.

now, before you begin, run these two commands:

zypper cc --all
zypper ref

The first one clears all zypper cache folders, the second one refreshes all repositories (here’s where you’ll see if all paths are correct).
If you have a custom X11 setup (dualscreen or such), now would be the point to make a copy of your xorg.conf file.
Now you jump into the instructions in my previous post, right at #6.

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